These are pictures of my new homestay. It's a nice quaint apartment, but ever since the heat turned on, it's really hot. I bought a fan, but with the typical Russian craftmanship it makes the strangest sounds. Irina Victorevna, my host mother, comes into my room every time the fan is on and tells me to turn it off because the sounds it makes are too strange. It's cold outside, hot inside. This is Russia.
My crazy keys:

Irina Victorevna's room, with my clothes drying.

My room (I have plants!):

the other day i came across a bunch of "atmosphere" mp3s meant to be played on one's ipod--one of them was a fan noise, and i thought of you. have you ever considered an invisible fan to aid sleeping?
p.s. thinking of you/hope you are having a good day.
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