Friday, October 31, 2008

Unity Day?

Nov. 4 is Unity Day in Russia!

Unfortunately, not many Russians even know what the Nov. 4 holiday is for. It was recently reinstated in 2005 to celebrate the Russians kicking the Polish out of Moscow in 1612.

But mostly it was created because there used to be a holiday on Nov. 7 which celebrated the October Revolution. But you can't celebrate communist holidays in a non-communist Russia!

They actually had to make a movie to tell people what this holiday was about because no one knew what the holiday was supposed to be for.

The holiday is on a Tuesday this year. But Russians love long weekends. So instead of moving the holiday to Monday (because no one actually even knows what the holiday is for), I have to go to school on Saturday and people have to work on Saturday and there will be no classes on Monday or Tuesday. The Russian way of doing things.

1 comment:

Jameson said...

I read your whole blog. More. MORE!